Once you have called out for help and then asked for what you want, next comes opening your heart to receive. So that may well be the next ask, think about it, if your heart isn’t open how will you receive the help that comes? Listen in for being a more open hearted person
Thank you for being here, you matter.
I am offering sessions on Tuesday mornings, if you would like someone to hold space for you and reflect just how amazing you are, you can sign up on my website. I am always happy to hear from you and you can reach me at terces@tercesengelhart.com and I will reply. Also if you would like to order my book directly from me, I am happy to send you a signed copy, just email me and I’ll get it in the mail. ($15 plus shipping)
If you know of anyone who might benefit from listening in, share a link to an episode with them, in other words, be an invitation to join us.
Connect with me on social media @terces and @unreasonablygrateful.
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