I don’t know about you but it is so easy for words to seemingly jump out of my mouth before I have even had time to think about what I am about to say. I started challenging myself to take this test before speaking and I love the experience I am having. Take it on this week, listen in for what the test is!
Thank you for being here, you matter.
I am offering sessions on Tuesday mornings, if you would like someone to hold space for you and reflect just how amazing you are, you can sign up on my website. I am always happy to hear from you and you can reach me at terces@cafegratitude.com and I will reply. Also if you would like to order my book directly from me, I am happy to send you a signed copy, email me and I’ll get it in the mail. ($15 plus shipping)
If you know of anyone who might benefit from listening in, share a link to an episode with them, in other words, be an invitation to join us.
Connect with me on social media @terces and @unreasonablygrateful.
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